November art and graphics update

Heya all!

Not much changed yet with my efforts finding collaboration for art and graphics, so here's the current situation and my plans going forward.

What happened to the artist from the prologue?

Life happened. That can always occur, especially in a hobby project, and I don't pain over it at all.
LordCunt solely worked from photos but the effort to learn the techniques for effective production was far higher for him then he expected. Add increasing workload in his job and there it goes.

Why don't you create art yourself?

I am not a great visual artist and don't aspire to become one. At the beginning of my professional career over thirty years ago I learned free-style drawing and drawing from natural sujets. Did quite well too and this really helped me with visualizing ideas and concepts on whiteboards and such but I never pursued it any further.

The most important reason being that it would be very inefficient if I worked to create the art myself. It would take me a long time to achieve things that even resembles art done by experienced artists who have honed their skills and production pipeline.

My expression of choice is writing, designing gameplay and software development. I'm good with project management, ok with audio and can do many other bits that come with a project like this. I feel that's a lot to handle and I'll stick to these things for the time being.

So, you need only drawn pictures?

For production of a game there are a lot of additional steps that need to be kept in mind. Characters and elements need to be cut and softened against transparency, character sprites for different postures need to have the same anchor point and other things that need to be taken care of. UI design, promotional graphics and other bits.

If an artist doesn't know about these things yet, I can explain and point in the right direction.

I'd even be happy to put the whole art direction in someone's hands as long as things are based on the premises of the series.

How would share be handled?

Simple sharing of what comes in through releases of the games based on the share of the work done.

How are you going forward from here?

I'm hard at work to finish the first full visual novel before the end of the year. It will be released fully playable with only some basic background pictures.

This will show players and artists that I can produce high quality visual novels and adventure games within a brief time frame and I hope to attract attention of fans and artists to the project by this.

Cheers /Dagget

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