Winter musings about the resurgence of light reading

Heya all!

I just came back from a short winter vacation, joining the family at my old hood in the hinterlands. Good food, fireplace, cookies, all those great things.
I managed to somewhat abstain from le intarweps which is a good thing to do every now and then, get the mind in another space and think from a different perspective.
We played some great new (to me) board games which gave me a few ideas about game mechanics that could be used in video games. Neat small concepts.

What about “Reginald Ursington” in the time to come?

I can’t be sure what the next year(s) will bring but I mapped out the projects which I will tackle roughly in order and quicker or slower, depending on the situation.
I am writing out the second case at the moment. It has the classic three acts to be released in parts as soon as they are fully playable. Get some structure in the story.
It will be a good deal longer than the first case and this way I’ll be able to get more playable stories out quicker.

Story and structure, glimpse into the crystal ball

Writing short, easy to read stories and getting them to the audience often is having a well deserved comeback at the moment. After pulp novels vanished from the limelight in western countries over fifty years ago this trend is coming back mostly in Asia, as far as I can tell.
You can read about it in many places, here’s a good In A Nutshell.

I agree with other writers that this will spill over to the world because of internet and I’ll wholeheartedly welcome this development.
I read a lot when I was young, authors need a long time to research and write out good books so I turned to cheap pulp fiction in between. Crime, ghosts, aliens, whathaveyou. I especially liked those that were even comically simplistic and full of tropes and cliches.

That is the background which I am bringing to video games, telling short and simple stories, easily digestible, finding the fun in the pulp.

YarnSpinner 2.0

Yarnspinner 2 was released and after I have a fully playable version of all parts of the second case I’ll update and refactor my programming for the new Yarnspinner and work on the code to make better use of it’s potential.
You know, default development stuff that needs doing...

More game mechanics incoming

The next extension of game mechanics is coming with the third case.
Detailed management of cases and your agents, training skills needed to crack problems along the way or circumvent them all together, money to keep the agency afloat and travel to where the action is, stuff like that.

With that there can be very short, ordinary cases with small snacks of story and gameplay in between the more outlandish mysteries to steer the overall direction in line of feedback and possibilities.

Yeah, that will surely take a while but I am very sure it will be worth it in the long run.

Stay good, stay safe and a happy and peaceful year for everyone!

Cheers /Dagget

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